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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 湖南省 长沙 芙蓉区 马王堆街道 远大一路408号中栋406
  • 姓名: 刘意
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    2B Technologies臭氧分析仪 Models 106-L, 106-M, 106-MH and 106-H

  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 试验设备 紫外线/臭氧老化试验设备
  • 发布日期:2024-06-08
  • 阅读量:117
  • 价格:40000.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:湖南长沙芙蓉区马王堆街道  
  • 关键词:2B,Technologies,臭氧分析仪,106-L,106-M,106-MH

    2B Technologies臭氧分析仪 Models 106-L, 106-M, 106-MH and 106-H详细内容

    Ozone Monitor Models 106-L, 106-M, 106-MH and 106-H
    For Industrial Ozone Applications

    For industrial ozone applications, 2B Tech offers the Model 106-L, 106-M, 106-MH and 106-H Ozone Monitors, where L, M, MH and H refer to Low (0-100 ppm), Medium (0-1,000 ppm)06-, Medium-High (0-10,000 ppm) and High (0-20 wt%) ozone concentrations, respectively. These instruments have different optical path lengths in order to accommodate an extremely wide range of ozone concentrations, spanning more than eight orders of magnitude. Additionally, the Model 106-H was designed with a flow-through path that can be pressurized to up to 50 psi for in-line measurements with ozone generators. All four models are available in either a standard enclosure or Industrial enclosure.  Configurations for multi-channel sampling are available for Models 106-L, 106-M, and 106-MH.

    The Model 106 series was designed as an "ozone monitor on a board" in which nearly all of the components are mounted directly to the printed circuit board. Thus, the Model 106 may be purchased without the enclosure for OEM applications. See: Model OEM-106.

    The Model 106-L is designed for ambient low measurements down to very low ppb levels and has been designated by the EPA as a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) for monitoring for compliance with the US Clean Air Act:  EQOA–0914–218.

    Our video describes the different models and configurations for our Model 106-Series Ozone Monitors, and could help determine which model is best for a particular application.  Click here or scroll down on this page to view the video.

    Specifications for Different Optical Benches

    ModelRangeResolutionPrecision & Accuracy
    0-100 ppm
    0.0001 ppm (0.1 ppb)
    Higher of 0.0015 ppm (1.5 ppb) or 2% of reading
    0-1,000 ppm
    0.01 ppm
    Higher of 0.01 ppm or 2% of reading
    0-10,000 ppm (0-1 vol%)
    0.1 ppm
    Higher of 0.05 ppm or 2% of reading
    0-20 wt% O2 or Air
    0-14 vol%
    0.01 wt%
    0.01 vol%
    Higher of 0.01 wt% or 2% of reading

    General Specifications

    Measurement PrincipleUV Absorption at 254 nm
    Measurement Interval2 s
    Data Averaging Options2 s, 10 s, 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr
    Flow Rate~1 Liter/min; Up to 20 L/min for Model 106-H
    Data Storage32,736 lines (10 s avg. = 3.7 days; 5 min avg = 113 days)
    Choice of Unitsppb, pphm, ppm, µg m-3, mg m-3 (for Models 106-L and 106-M)
    ppm, mg m-3 (for Model 106-MH)
    vol%, wt% air, wt% O2, g/m3, g/Nm3 (for Model 106-H)
    Data OutputsUSB, RS232, 0-2.5 V Analog, 4-20 mA, LCD Display
    Power Requirements100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
    11-28 V DC, nominally 500 mA at 12 V DC, 6 watt for Models 106-L, M, and MH
    11-28 V DC, nominally 325 mA at 12 V DC, 3.9 watt for Model 106-H
    Size (standard enclosure)3.6 x 7.9 x 9.4 inches (9 x 20 x 24 cm)
    Weight (standard and OEM)4.2 lb (1.9 kg) for Model 106-L; 2.8 lb (1.3 kg) for OEM-106-L
    3.9 lb (1.8 kg) for Models 106-M, -MH; 2.5 lb (1.1 kg) for OEM-106-M, -MH
    4.4 lb (2.0 kg) for Model 106-H; 2.9 lb (1.3 kg) for OEM-106-H
    Size (Industrial enclosure)16 x 14 x 9.3 inches (40.7 x 35.7 x 23.6 cm) H x W x D
    Weight (Industrial enclosure)~14 lb (6.4 kg) depending on model and multichannel options


    Measurement based on UV absorption

    Low power consumption; can be battery operated (optional lithium-ion battery)

    Internal data logger with real-time clock

    2-s measurement interval

    On-board microprocessor with interactive menus includes data averaging options of 10 s, 1 m, 5 m and 1 hr

    USB and RS-232 output of time/date, O3 concentration, internal temperature and pressure

    Analog output (0-2.5 V and 4-20 mA) of ozone concentration in user selected units

    Two 2-level relays for control purposes (e.g., control of ozone source or turn warning light on and off); Four 2-level relays in Industrial enclosure models and in the 3-channel and 6-channel optional configurations

    Long-life pump (15,000 hr) for Models 106-L, 106-M and 106-MH

    Bluetooth option for wireless data transmission

    Optional configurations for 3-channel or 6-channel air sampling for Models 106-L, 106-M, and 106-MH
    欢迎来到长沙巴溪仪器有限公司网站, 具体地址是湖南省长沙芙蓉区远大一路408号中栋406,联系人是刘意。 主要经营仪器仪表相关产品。 单位注册资金未知。 我们公司主要供应仪器仪表,电子仪器,实验仪器等产品,我们的产品货真价实,性能可靠,欢迎电话咨询!